Here are a few of the projects that Terralien and the Terralien crew are involved in:

Spreedly Gem

Need to add subscription billing to your web application? This Ruby wrapper around the goodness that is Spreedly will be a big help. Check it out, and don’t forget that Terralien loves to build and work on subscription-backed web applications!

Twit Roster

We needed a good way to put the crew on the homepage, and Twit Roster was the result. It’s a great way to showcase a list of people without it getting stale. Give it a whirl and let us know what you think!

test/unit Nathaniel Talbott

One of the first things Nathaniel did when encountering Ruby five years ago was to write a unit testing framework. Originally called Lapidary, it quickly gained an audience, was renamed to test/unit, and ended up in the Ruby standard library. It has stood the test of time amazingly well. You can learn more about test/unit through its RDoc, and there’s a short tutorial Nathaniel posted way back when on the ruby-talk mailing list.

QueryTrace Rails Plugin Nathaniel Talbott

QueryTrace is a Rails plugin for pinpointing where in your Rails application that slow query is running. While ActiveRecord takes you half-way there by logging all queries and how long they’re taking, it won’t answer the question of where they’re being executed. Enter QueryTrace – once you have it installed, your logs won’t just tell you that you have a problem, they will pinpoint the exact location of that problem for you. Get it here.

Radiant CMS John Long

A no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams, Radiant is similar to Textpattern or MovableType, but is more of a general purpose content management system (not just a blogging engine). John initially created Radiant for the Ruby Web site. You can learn more about Radiant over at

Textile Toolbar Rails Plugin Matthew Bass

Extracted from a Terralien project, this plugin adds a handy toolbar to Textile-enabled form fields. The buttons on the toolbar generate the appropriate Textile markup for your users. For example, clicking the “Bold” button will surround the highlighted word with the correct Textile markup to make it bold. This lets you retain the benefits of Textile while at the same time offering your users a friendly interface for generating markup. Get it here.

You can still contact Nathaniel at